22 research outputs found

    Analisis peran pembiayaan BMT Syariah Al-Azhaar terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan anggota perspektif Maqashid Syariah

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    This study aimed to analyze the role of financing products at BMT Syariah Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau city, which was rolled out to members and customers of BMT Syariah in improving customer welfare. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach at BMT Syariah Al-Azhaar, Lubuklinggau City, as a research object. The sample used in this study is the customers/members of BMT Syariah Al-Azhaar who get financing products. The data collection of this research used an in-depth interview method. The data obtained were then analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of this study are BMT Syariah Al-Azhaar, through financing, plays a significant role in improving the welfare of its members. Interest is measured using five indicators of the maintenance of basic needs based on the objectives of maqashid sharia, namely the care of religion, the maintenance of the soul, the maintenance of the mind, the maintenance of offspring, and the maintenance of a property. The increase in welfare experienced by members varies. In general, there is an increase in welfare as measured by the five indicators

    Peningkatan Keuangan Keluarga Dalam Perspektif Maqashid Syari'ah (Studi Pada Driver Gojek dI Kota Palembang)

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    This research aims to discuss the increase in family income obtained by motorbike drivers in Palembang. The existence of a motorcycle taxi is one of the factors reducing the unemployment rate which will have an impact on increasing income and family welfare. Maqashid Shari'ah is used to see the impact of the phenomenon of increasing income on family welfare with five basic principles; hifz din, hifz nafs, hifz ‘aql, hifz mal and hifz nasab, with three levels of Daruriyyat, Hajiyyat and Tahsiniyyat. This research is a field research. This research is field research, the method used in this research was collaborative both qualitative and quantitative by distributed questionairre to respondents who became research's sample by some measurement cryterias with 5 assesment criteria and interview towards some informants to strenghten questionairre result. The technique of determining sample by using purposive sampling and analysis technique data questionairre by using quantitative descriptive and qualitative analysis with triangularltion approacment Magashid Suar'i. The result showed that there was an increasing income earned by the Gojek's drivers in Palembang city compare to other previous job before becoming a Gojek driver and also affecting family's prosperit

    Mempertimbangkan Tingkat Maqasid asy-Syari’ah dalam Penentuan Anggaran Belanja Pemerintah (Evaluasi terhadap APBN 2008-2013)

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    The result of a study evaluating three things, namely: how to position maqasid ash-Shari'ah in the perspective of Islamic economy, how to determine the state budget according to the perspective of maqasid ash-Shari'ah, and how to distribute  the state budget based on the perspective of maqasid ash-Shari'ah.  It can be concluded that at first the state budget should be based on five aspects: the maintenance of religion, life, lineage, sense and treasure. Second, according to maqasid ash-Shari'ah by using domain analysis and looking at the realization of state budget in 2008–2013, the budget did not describe the level of the existing maqasid ash-Shari'ah or in the moderate level. It can be seen from the hierarchy pooling of maqasid ash-Shari'ah that the maintainance of life (hifdzu an-nafs) ranks first with a total budget of Rp. 137.4 trillion; followed by the maintenance of treasure (hifdzu al-mal) with a total budget of 122.9 trillion; maintenance of sense (hifdzu al-aql) with a total budget of 121 trillion; maintenance of religion (hifdzu ad-din) with a total budget of 40.6 trillion; and maintenance of lineage (hifdzu an-nasl) with a total budget of 12.4 trillion. 

    Civil Society dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Melalui Masjid

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    This article aims to offer a concept of overcoming the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic by empowering the communities economic through mosques movement as civil society approach. That merely government efforts can’t solve communities’ economic problems, so mosques civil society based movement could be one of the actual modern discourses to be "glimpsed". In order to provide opportunities to alternatives in helping goverment in improving the welfare of its people. Civil society in economic perspective is  community’s efforts aim to protect people against the uncertainty of the global economy and freeing people from the clutches of conglomeration done by creating an independent economic network. Therefore the bargaining position of civil society as a catalyst of dialogue, balancing interests, picking up signals, and in mobilizing the collective action of various state institutions, markets, and society has a strategic role


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa efektivitas pelaksanaan PKH dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga miskin di Kota Palembang dalam perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan pendekatan Deskriptif kualitatif Teknik sampling dalam penelitian ini yaitu purposive sampling dan snowball sampling, Dengan mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data primer di peroleh dari Dinas sosial kota Palembang, Koordinator PKH Kota Palembang, Pendamping Kecamatam Ilir Barat Dua Palembang, serta Peserta PKH yang dipilih berdasarkan syarat-syarat tertentu. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Pelaksanaan PKH telah berjalan dengan efektif di Kota Palembang dan sesuai dengan tujuan program. PKH juga telah memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga miskin di Kota Palembang khususnya kecamatan Ilir Barat Dua Palembang, Namun kesejahteraan tersebut tidak diiringi pada tingkat kesadaran dalam menjalankan aktivitas ibadah (agama). Padahal dalam Ekonomi Islam untuk mengukur tingkat kesejahteraan keluarga harus mempertimbangkan indikator Religion.

    PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI PEREMPUAN PERSPEKTIF GENDER DAN EKONOMI ISLAM: Studi Kasus Akses Pengusaha UMKM Perempuan Terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Syariah BMT di Palembang

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    Usaha kecil di Indonesia masih terus didominasi pelaku usaha mikro, di sisi lain UMK kesulitan mengakses pembiayaan dari bank, terlebih UMK yang dilakukan oleh perempuan, yang bisa jadi dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor termasuk gender bias. Dengan tingginya gap perekonomian, maka lembaga keuangan dengan karakteristik yang sesuai dengan pelaku UMK  perempuan sangat dibutuhkan. Dalam konteks tersebut tulisan ini melakukan kajian tentang pemberdayaan ekonomi perempuan, dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis gender dan perspektif ekonomi Islam. Untuk memperkuat data penelitian, studi kasus dilakukan terhadap akses perempuan pada lembaga keuangan berbasis syariah Baitul Maal wa at-Tamwil di Kota Palembang. Pemilihan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah berupa BMT dilakukan karena segmentasi BMT yang lebih akomodatif terhadap pengusaha-pengusaha UMK yang relative tidak “bankable”. Penelitian bersifat qualitatif, yang menunjukkan hasil bahwa BMT merupakan Lembaga Keuangan berbasis syariah yang accessible atau memberikan akses yang terbuka dan luas bagi para pengusaha perempuan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari relative banyaknya perempuan yang menjadi nasabah pada beberapa BMT di Palembang. BMT dengan produk-produknya, merupakan lembaga keuangan yang  sensitif gender’ dan bisa semakin mendorong terwujudnya gender equalities, karena secara demikian BMT telah menganggap penting potensi, partisipasi, dan akses pengusaha UMK Perempuan terhadap sumber-sumber keuanga

    The Commodification of Religion in the Maqāṣid Al-Shariah Perspective

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    This article discusses the problem of the commodification of religion in Islam, namely looking at the perspective of Islamic law on a process that directs the symbols and religious expressions of Muslims in the framework of market-based power as a commodity or business object. The theory used is the Maqashid ash-Shariah theory, to find out whether or not the objectives of sharia law are maintained in the religious practices which intersect with the economic dimension. This becomes relevant because for a Muslim the conformity with the objectives of sharia is the materialization of maslahah which is the wisdom of establishing a law in Islam. It employs a normative approach in the perspective of Maqashid jurisprudence. The results of this study indicate that in the Islamic context, there are several things that reveal the symptoms of religious commodification which are packaged in various forms of industry. Some types of industry still exist which are built with economic rationality to seek mere worldly benefits and ignore the principles of benefit. For this type of business practice, the government with its various instruments or institutions must continue to carry out sharia-compliant supervision. Meanwhile for the sharia-based business practices or industries, there is no legal issue in complying with sharia objectives there.Keywords: Commodification of religion, Maqasid al-Sharia, Islamic law, religion with economic dimensions

    Implementasi Pendidikan Kemandirian Di Pesantren Mahasiswa Garawiksa Yogyakarta

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    The purpose of this study was focused on deepening independent character learning through Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at the Garawiksa Student Islamic Boarding School Yogyakarta (PMGY). Such research has had a great impact on the consistency of PAI in pesantren while still following the initial goal of the pesantren institution in educating its students to be able to live independently which is beneficial for the surrounding community. Through qualitative research with a case study pattern, it can be concluded that independence education at PMGY is directed at its basic values ​​with the dimensions of developing the spirituality, intellectuality and professionalism of the students. Such PAI was then supported by inculcating the values ​​of togetherness and simplicity through pesantren policies. The figure of a democratic caregiver/kyai with an interaction pattern that prioritizes a cultural approach has offered pesantren programs that can explore the full potential and uniqueness of each student so that they are accustomed to solving problems independently